
Video Conferencing

I provide video conferencing for those wanting personal consultations. I use a secure video conferencing software called signal for this service: https:/

Please have signal installed and working before your conference time. There are other popular conferencing software like skype and zoom, but they often do not meet requirements for the healthcare industry that requires encryption. Signal is a software that you will meet this standard and is free for the consumer to install.

I do charge in advance for this service, so please have your credit card (visa/mastercard) ready when you schedule a video-conferencing appointment.


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What is ChiGong?

QiGong, aka ChiGong, means working the breath or breath work. 氣 is the Chinese character meaning air or breath energy. It is pronounced “chee”.   功 is the character meaning work, and is pronounced “gong”.  The various breathing techniques developed by the Chinese is called QiGong nowadays, but was traditionally termed “TuNa”.

QiGong is practiced to build and harmonize the energies of the body. When the Chi or Qi energy of the body is strong and harmonized, the body tends to be healthy, strong, full of vitality, and the mind is calm, serene yet alert, focused and engaging.

Common forms of QiGong include the following: TaiJi, Eight pieces of Brocade and many more.

The key to Qigong is “balance”.  To balance, the practitioner needs to know how to adjust the breath, body, mind and emotions.  Start within for the beginning years, progress outward when one’s abilities are mature.


Wall Squats


Beginner ChiGong Videos

Warm Up

Eight Pieces of Brocade

Beginner ChiGong 1 – Feel The Chi – Part 1 of 2

Beginner ChiGong 1 – Feel The Chi – Part 2 of 2


Success at Chigong

To achieve success in QiGong, the individual needs to have the following three qualities:

  • Discipline & Persistence
  • Loving Compassion
  • Emotional Control and Balance

The three keys to mastering QiGong are the following:

  • Breath
  • Sound or vibration
  • Intention